TV will rot your brain

Fine.... I admit it.... my mom was right! TV can be an amazing source of inspiration. Marvel movies always inspire me to see the deeper meaning or feel empowered. Or just allow me to get out of my head for two hours, which allows me to get out of my own way. When used correctly,… Continue reading TV will rot your brain

Say what you mean, and mean what you say

I have recently had a relationship where I have to hold myself back because the person is Uber sensitive about EVERYTHING. If she feels like you don’t agree with her she pouts and if you use a bad word she acts shocked and offended. She’s a lot. To keep the peace, I just keep topics… Continue reading Say what you mean, and mean what you say


I allowed my aunt telling me I was out of touch with reality to make me go back in to being small and quiet. She made this comment when I had been posting Abraham Hicks memes like the one above, Buddhist stories. And law of attraction stuff. It’s all information I have used and believed… Continue reading Crazy


Not my birthday cake, but the only cake I’d choose over cheesecake. Nostalgia is a powerful thing. It can bring us back to a time that doesn’t exist, and in all likelihood never existed as we feel it now. It pulls at our heart and makes us wish for life to be different. It’s one… Continue reading Nostalgia

Get out of your way

This is Bo. He’s 120# of pure love and devotion. He protects me from being alone in the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom or outside. Anywhere I go, he is there. As any animal lover knows, you spend a lot of time trying to not trip over or step on your beloved fur baby. With Bo it’s… Continue reading Get out of your way

How to Ground your manifesting powers

This saying is true, and untrue. Every THING starts as a thought. But unless you DO that thought can dissipate quickly and without consequence. When thoughts become problematic is when they feel icky, and you keep scratching at the scab. They become beliefs and like scars they constantly remind you of that bad feeling. Making… Continue reading How to Ground your manifesting powers

My Manifest-o

If it’s not a HELL yes. It’s a FUCK no! I do so lonely swear I will no longer: 1) “should” myself in to obedience. 2) allow others to censor me (including but not limited to trying to make me feel guilty that my favorite word is fuck. It’s the perfect word and if they… Continue reading My Manifest-o

Do the thing! Right now! Do it!

I’m really not yelling at you, I’m cheering you on. Let’s face it, we all have something we could do right now that would catapult our day, life, moment into the next level. So why don’t we do it? Yeah, that’s our ego holding us back. My favorite way to combat my ego, and use… Continue reading Do the thing! Right now! Do it!