Skipping Leg Day

I’m talking about spiritual leg day in this post. But it is exactly like skipping leg day at the gym. There is a reason it’s called spiritual practice. It’s a series of actions you take to help you stay signed with yourself. If you miss something one day, it’s no big deal, but if you start skipping regularly, you will see the results.

I started skipping parts of my practice when my dog died in June. I didn’t mean to. It wasn’t a conscious choice, but grief does that to you. Slowly but surly I started skipping other parts and got sucked in to just watching YouTube news while I drank my coffee in the mornings.

It took no thought, didn’t make me focus on my sadness or how much I missed his big doofy face and it allowed me to escape while letting me think I was staying informed.

In November I started noticing pains. I’d wake up and something would hurt. It wasn’t an injury but I just hurt. Around January I started noticing I felt stuck and I was isolating myself more than normal.

In February I found the article that brought me back to meditation. Blogs and YouTubers I used to include in my spiritual practice quickly started showing up on my feeds again. And this all brought me to today, when I realized I hadn’t written a post in over a year.

I post because it aligns me to who I am. It helps me make connections I wouldn’t normally make and it makes me feel like I’m not just putting it in a journal for no one to ever see.

By skipping my spiritual practice I was literally cutting myself off from who I am and the energy that is created from being authentic. This resulted in aches and pains which further cut me off from doing activities I enjoyed causing more isolation.

So, today I’m gonna do leg day. I’m going to get my butt back in the spiritual practice that works for me. I hope you do the same.

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